Does your business have a white paper? A white paper can be an effective sales lead generator.   It’s not pushing a product or service but offering valuable information free of charge.   It offers your business a better chance of getting past the gatekeeper than a product or service mailing. You can send out your company service information in a non-threatening way.

New clients like white papers because they are not dealing with a salesman, and they are getting a valuable report, which makes it easy to respond to. Most prospects will request information via email. The white paper meets a client’s emotional and rational needs while eliminating the fear of making the wrong decisions.

A white paper is an excellent way to educate your clients about your big-ticket services. Prospects who read your company white paper will display their newfound knowledge to their colleagues. It also eliminates the laziness of not having to research the information for themselves.

Since it’s inexpensive and reusable, you can have it downloadable from your website where you get the new lead’s contact information first. The objective is to get your prospects to make themselves visible. Once they are identified, then you call in your sales team and make a sale. ph: 415-496-6236