Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” With a long enough lever, a very small amount of strength can lift massive objects.

Every business has inherent strengths or assets that can be used as leverage. When there is something at your disposal, which requires little energy, but can produce significant results, then you’ve found a lever.If you have 200,000 emails on file, and you have a system of email distribution that is rock solid, and you can probably spread your message within a day, then this looks like a promising lever.The law of leverage essentially decides for you at this point. Send out the email. Your company’s unique leverage comes from the size of your email list and your email distribution system, not the amount of engineering horsepower that you can throw at problems. A different company might choose a different option, but only if their leverage takes a different form. Plans, goals, and tasks that leverage and attack based on strengths. ph: 415-496-6236