You can create one type of content or multiple types. Your options include:

Blog posts

Articles that talk about issues related to your core message and secondary messages. They can range anywhere from 100 words to 2,000 words, depending on the format you choose and what your readers prefer.

Magazine articles

Like a blog post, these posts talk about issues related to your core message, but instead of publishing them digitally, you publish them in a print magazine. That magazine may be your brand’s magazine, a trade (industry) magazine, or a consumer magazine such as Inc., Fortune, Time, etc.


Not all content is housed on your website. You can create a channel on YouTube or Vimeo that provides another access point to your business. Some content marketers upload videos to YouTube, then reposted on their blog. Others create a video blog, or vlog, that lives on YouTube.


Podcasts are audio articles or radio shows, often published in iTunes, Stitcher Radio, or Blubrry. Podcasting is gaining renewed popularity now because people who don’t have time to read are able to listen to articles while in their daily commute or other activities.

Webinars and Teleseminars

You can present information to a live audience during webinars and teleseminars, then use the recording and slides as content on your website, in newsletters, and in programs/products.

Speeches, workshops, interviews

If it’s information, it can be used as content. And it’s easy to recycle this information, incorporating it into other content types to add value.

Powerpoint presentations

Offer them on your website. Turn them into infographics. Use them in blog posts. Upload them to Slideshare.

Tutorials, guides

You can create a Web page that provides links to additional information, essentially making a lesson plan for learning something new. This is a great way to build authority in your area of expertise. Remember to tell people what to do if they need additional help. (See how easy it is to drive business objectives with your content!)


Infographics are creative presentations of facts and figures rather than dry-as-toast reports. If they’re well done, they are also very sharable. is a great resource for simple infographics.

White papers and special reports

People want useful information that helps them make better decisions. That’s why white papers, special reports, and other researched information make such great premiums and free offers. You can periodically offer these as a value-add to your followers, or you can offer them as an incentive for signing up to your email list.


Content marketing is about building a relationship. What better way than to send your content to people’s inbox rather than making them visit your website every day? A newsletter also helps you build your email list, which allows you to make email offers as well.

Ebooks, books and products/programs

Ebooks and books are a great way to build authority and trust. You can easily produce a short ebook and sell it on Amazon. Then turn it into a PDF and offer it on your website as well. ph: 415-496-6236