Here is a simple test you can use to improve your product or service sales. Run some Google, Facebook or Craigslist ads to a group of people that are regular customers of your product or your competitors. If they happen to be close by, visit them. If they are remote, use video chat with the screen sharing. Schedule in anytime they would typically be using the product or service. Then watch and study what they do. After you watch for a while, ask them some questions to get a better idea of how you can improve.

Here are some good questions to ask:

What do you like about that product?

What do you hate about it?

What confuses you about it?

What do you find particularly annoying about it?

What’s missing from it?

Where did you hear about it?

Have you tried anything else like it?

Why have you picked this particular product over the other options? ph: 415-496-6236