Are you running one-off ad campaigns without a system or a plan? Many people show one ad to one target audience and find it‘s not working. The problem is it doesn’t reflect the customer journey, relevance/quality score, and is not scalable long term.

If you‘re only running one campaign, and if that one ad doesn‘t work, you may think people don‘t want your product, when in actuality, you need a better ad campaign. 
Don‘t try just one shot at the basket. You’ll never with the game that way. Test and experiment with your ads and learn what’s working. Consider the following steps in your ad campaign.

Step 1: Identify your avatars (unique to the offers) You want to attract

The following stats are good to know to target your ideal buyer for your product or service.

Who is your prospect physically?

Where is your prospect?

Where are they financially?

Where is your prospect mentally?

Where are they emotionally?

What is their age?

What is their gender?

Martial status?





White Collar/Blue Collar?


Financially secure?

Luxury Buyers?

Energy Level?



East/West/North/South living?



What do they read?

What do they watch?

What websites do they visit?

Who are their friends?

Who do they admire?

How do they relax?

Happy or sad?

Kind of pets?

What do they drive?

You can find a lot of data about your customer through websites like

Google images

Google Insights

Social media conferences

Social media books

Social media tools

Social media schools/courses

Social media blogs

Social media magazines

Step 2: Identify the Hooks (what gets their attention?)

  • Have (what will they have after they take action)
  • Feel (how are they going to feel)
  • Average Day (how are you going to change their average day)
  • Status (how will taking action change their status)
  • Proof / Results
  • Speed / Automation
  • Step 3: Create Your Segmented Messaging (Copy) Variations

Create a list of different headline hooks for your avatar and run your campaign.

Step 4: Compile Your Results

What is the cost per action (CPA)?

Step 5: Run A/B split tests

Although A/B testing traditionally tests just one element at a time, there’s a lot more you can do with multivariate testing. Once you are done testing headlines and images alone, test combinations of these variables. Don’t assume anything about your audience when you conduct an A/B test. Let’s say it is a CTA (call to action) headline you’re testing. Start your tests with a hypothesis, but don’t presume to know what the results will be. More times than not, they aren’t what you expect.

Step 5: SCALE-UP the segments that are working

Find out which hooks work and which don‘t. Test different variations of your hook. Find out which leads respond to your message the best. How can you show your message to more of your prospect? Where can you go to find more of your ideal avatar? Which avatar/hook matches are ―winners? Scale those!
It‘s hard to predict results – that‘s why testing is necessary.

Do more with what you have. Scale out a media team.  You don‘t have to do everything yourself. Do the 10% of planning at the beginning – and the 10% seeing what worked at the end. Let someone else do the 80% busy work. Go from creating one ad to creating 10. You will be 10x more likely to succeed. ph: 415-496-6236