• Click through rates – write copy to get clicks from the homepage to inside your website.
  • Good headlines matter – test your headlines constantly to see what gets the most clicks.
  • Scroll rates—they can‘t buy if they can‘t see the buy button, go to codepen scroll arrow to help increase your scroll rates.
  • Time on page—people will not spend money on your product or service if they don‘t spend time on your 
  • Write subject lines that command your customer’s attention.
  • Use videos and lots of photos to keep people on your site and engaged in your content.
    Make your videos long and in-depth to show your customers how to use your product or service.
  • Bounce rate – Put options on your homepage, so they don‘t leave.
  • Grammar and Spelling—Use Grammarly.com to help you improve grammar when writing online
  • Quality links, Relevant images, Social shares, Captions, Author Authority all help keep customers on your website longer and improve your SEO score as a result.

info@digitaldiamondmedia.com ph: 415-496-6236