1) “You” is the best word. It personalizes your sales copy to make the message specifically for your prospect.

2) Insert any links you have above the fold to make it easy for people on mobile devices to click on your offer.

3) The numeric 8 is better than eight.

4) Eliminate bad phrases. Ask yourself for each sentence: what does this mean? If you can’t come up with a specific answer immediately, then modify until your text is concrete and meaningful.

5) What do your readers want? Try to avoid weak benefits and focus on a benefit your readers are looking for. Why should your customer buy your product or service? What’s in it for them? Why is your product better than the one down the street? What are your key differentiators? Most real benefits are related to saving money, making more money, becoming happier, being free from fear and worry, and a feeling of belonging, etc.

6) What’s the purpose of this e-mail? What action are you trying to get the reader to take? You need to be clear on this before you start writing. If the answer isn’t clear to you, it certainly won’t be clear to your reader.

7) 16 point font gets more readers (especially on mobile). Serif fonts are stronger than sans serif fonts.

8) Sell the click, not the product.

9) When writing headlines, subheads and body copy, don’t use words that avoid a direct command. These include may, maybe, hope, wish, try, but, could, perhaps and strive. Instead, use words like will, and can to describe what your product or service will or can do for your reader.

10) Give your prospect lots of ways to click in the email.

11) Don’t use passive voice–write in the present tense. Passive voice weakens your message. It’s best to avoid it.

12) The mouse loves reflex blue (the color of links)

13) Try to limit to 50 numbers and letters max in your subject lines.

14) Test something in every email and see what you can improve.

15) Include a customer quote. Do you have a great customer quote that you can include in your e-mail? A brief and convincing quote can add credibility to your campaign. The more real you can make the person to your readers, the better.

16) Make three calls to action in each email for higher conversions.

info@digitaldiamondmedia.com ph: 415-496-6236