Are you keeping track of the numbers to grow your business?

Conversion rate

The number of visitors who buy something.

Purchases per year

The number of purchases made by each customer per year.

Average shopping cart size

The amount of money spent on a purchase


The percentage of people who begin to make a purchase, and then don’t.

Cost of customer acquisition

The lifetime value of each customer.

Revenue per customer

The lifetime value of each customer

Top keywords driving traffic to the site

Those terms that people are looking for, and associate with you a clue to adjacent products or markets.

Top search terms

Both those that lead to revenue and those that don’t have any results.

Effectiveness of recommendation engines

How likely a visitor is to add a recommended product to the shopping cart.


Word of mouth, and sharing per visitor

Mailing list-effectiveness

Click-through rate and ability to make buyers return and buy. ph: 415-496-6236